
Showing posts from September, 2017

Rangelands Conference - Evening Opening

Thanks to Kerry and Sharron for opening the gallery in the evening of September 25th to coincide with the Mayoral Reception for delegates at the  Australian  Rangeland  Society 19th Biennial  Conference . The  conference  theme is "transition to transformation" which nicely coincides with our own Platform journey. The gallery looked stunning in the evening with the lights on and some magic sunset rays. Desert Voices provided some entertainment as people began to connect with each other and the platform was buzzing.  People finally had the opportunity to enjoy the gallery experience and make some purchases a little later in the evening than  anticipated. There was some serious competition in the way of "FOOD". Great work Archers' Table, an artwork in itself. Attendees  will have some great memories of Port Augusta in the form of ... conference bags!!

Wet Felting Workshop

Not for the faint-hearted!! Cheryl from Napperby Natural held a beginners felting workshop at The Platform today. It was a very warm day and people really enjoyed sloshing around in the back yard lathering up the wool and physically agitating it so that the fibres cling together. They particularly liked the "fulling" process, a great way to get rid of built up tensions. The wet felting exercise was followed by some needle felting techniques. This was all done to the musical background provided by the ukulele group which is currently meeting on Saturday mornings.  A nice added touch was the lunch break with orders from Mumma Lou's Cafe.

Photographers Having Fun

The Curdnatta Photographers meet on the second Saturday of each month. The number of participants varies as they are quite an adventurous bunch and always travelling in search of the next great pic.  This month we had apologies from Beth who is currently travelling the length of Great Britain and Irene and Karen who are having a ball in Africa. On Saturday we celebrated the "RUST" exhibition. We are pretty pleased with how it turned out. This month we tried out the new backdrop that we have devised.  We will be able to use the Platform as a studio space and make the most of the lovely lighting and big roomy spaces.  Everyone took turns at being the photographic model, something some of us find quite difficult considering we spend most of our time on the other side of the lens. It was a great opportunity to explore different lighting options and learn from each other. There is also a bit of creativity evident in the editing p...

Making Tracks

It only seems like yesterday that we set up Dianne's exhibition and what a successful exhibition that was.  Dianne has joined the group and will continue to exhibit work at The Platform. A big thank you to all the people who help behind the scenes, putting shelving and cabinets together and taking down and preparing our exhibitions.  Making Tracks is part of the Flinders Ranges "A Brush With Art" trail and yes there are some depictions of the Flinders Ranges in the art work.  Generally people have interpreted the theme in as many different ways as there are art works. Lets just say we are all celebrating the progress we have made over the last two years at The Platform Gallery. Of particular interest is the "RUST" collage by the photographers. This has been a collaborative effort over several months  and needs close inspection to be appreciated fully. Everyone should be very proud of the way the gallery looks. The styli...