Artist in Residence

Meet Nicola Butler who has joined the group and will be working often at the gallery. Nicola is the recipient of a personal development award from Country Arts SA and will acquit her grant by placing it in Curdnatta's bank account and using it to.... rent gallery space to work towards an exhibition in 2019 access the knowledge and mentorship of our members attend workshops Please make Nicola feel welcome and if you would like to work at the gallery on other days of the week; you will have some company. Our Bus trip to see the Impressionists is going ahead on Saturday June 30 We will leave at 7am and return at 4.30 Guided tours will be provided. Cost is $23 for Gallery members and $43 for our friends who are interested. Please Pay by cash at the gallery or Direct deposit into our bank account. We suggest doing so fairly quickly so we can see how many extra places we need to fill. At the meeting on Sat the group agreed to s...