Associated Groups
As you may be aware we have several associated groups at The Platform Gallery. The Port Augusta Writers recently held a workshop with Stephen Standley at their usual Thursday afternoon meeting time. A social lunch at Mumma Lou's cafe set the scene for an enjoyable afternoon. Do you recognise the furniture from the previous gallery ;-] The Textile Artists' day was a hive of industry with a couple of our youngest friends joining in the knitting and craft FUN!! The "Using your photos to sell work online" workshop was well attended and there is a possibility there may be another for people who couldn't make it. Just let Georgie know if you are interested. The next workshop with Alan Ramachandran will take place on 5th and 6th May. Thanks to Jenny Bourne for organising this. Alan is a multi-award winner in his medium of watercolour. Since migrating to Adelaide in 2007 he has won many awards, held 5 solo e...