April Action

People have been busy during April at THE PLATFORM. The Wednesday evening group continues to learn and develop drawing skills with Jan Pana on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. The Painters held a successful workshop with Alan Ramachandran at Almerta Station, near Hawker. The Photographers have been busy creating a collection of works for their Black and White Botanical exhibition in July. Georgie has set up her "New Directions" exhibition for the month of May. NEW DIRECTIONS https://vimeo.com/332342575 Tammy is working towards the "Knitting in Public" day and exhibition for June. The Music Club members hold regular get togethers and practices and also held a successful "Walk Up" at the Tassie Tavern on Sunday. We have some applications from schools for art funding and these will go to the management group for consideration. The Pichi Richi Train is back in full swing and we have had an influx of visitors t...