Our Trashion Exhibition / Competition is on display. Thank you to everyone who has participated. We have entries from preschoolers to 90 year olds, a true community exhibition with some interesting use of materials that would normally be thrown out as trash. We have begun advertising the All-comers Photography Exhibition. Everyone can participate in this. Entry Forms due at the end of May. Our next Come and Try Day is on May 7th. Ideas for Commemorating Melva's Legacy to the Arts in Port Augusta. * A plaque for the second gallery in her name. * Senior Secondary Arts award for students who show promise in the visual arts. $300 plus a years membership at the gallery to exhibit their work plus a biography of Melvas, Achievements. A BRUSH WITH ART Due to cha nging circumstances we will again participate in THE FLINDERS RANGES A BRUSH WITH ART in September. Our theme is "Our Great Outdoors". We encourage everyone to participate and depending on uptake there may be the opport...