
A member since 1973 Georgie Sharp celebrated 50 years involvement with the Arts and Curdnatta Art Group with an exhibition at Yarta Purtli gallery this month. Thanks to the members who attended the opening it was great to get back to socialising after the restrictive covid years. Thanks to Morgan and Carly for the images. Georgie's scarves depicted some of the techniques she has explored over time including screen printing, marbling, photography, pastels, ink painting and digital drawings and designs. PORT AUGUSTA FRINGE Venues and artists have been invited to be part of the FRINGE in Port Augusta during February/March in 2024. The Port Augusta City Council will oversee local events to ensure they don't overlap too much. Management group have explored ways in which we can participate and although the finer details have yet to be decided here is the overview. “Unearthed and Rediscovered” An Art Exhibition of Hidden Gems. Step into the extraordinary world of our communi...