Useful Discussions

We have had another successful month at The Platform with good sales and an interesting array of visitors. 

We are lucky enough to have someone who is very involved in tourism as one of our members and she has described the changing nature of the way Chinese people, in particular, are engaging with Australia.

People are more confident in travelling beyond the major cities.
They are looking for authentic experiences, unique locations and a point of difference in the products offered. Certainly nothing made in China.

This group of people were the epitome of this. They had driven from Melbourne to Uluru and were heading back to Adelaide. They bought 3 small paintings and 2 large ones and a hand made necklace. Then we all had photos taken with the local artists.

Here are some suggestions to be followed up at the next meeting and of course we would like to hear what everyone has in mind.
Possibilities for next year 2018
Acrylic workshop ( Di Turner)
Portrait painting or drawing  (Jan Pana)
Watercolour follow up with Margo - there is leftover paint
Printmaking workshop possibly with Simone Tippett
Judith Kittle acrylics, Ink
Felted  vessels (Pam Stringer)
 iPad drawing ( Georgie Sharp)
Zen tangle drawing-(Penny Kelly's Sister or Jenny Grantham)
Lino prints ( Nat Castree )
Paper Making - (Bev Billo - J Bourne has contact details) 

If we let Tiffany Davies know our agenda for 2018 she may be able to fill in the gaps.

There are guidelines for organising workshops in the procedures book.
Question about reduced fees for members. Would this be too cumbersome for the treasurer to manage ? We already have several ways to deposit fees and the introduction of 50% deposit.
Need guidelines about young people attending workshops do we need to have a police check /accreditation ?  
Generally people under 16 need an adult present with them .. is this enough?? Do the parents actually stay.

Now that we have some funds in the bank how might we support others in the community to participate in the arts? 

Gallery Displays
There was a discussion about how to hang clothing in a better way with display stands for t shirts.
We felt we would refer this to the styling team who have expertly displayed our artworks in unique and complimentary ways .
What does the styling team think we need?
 Display cabinets for jewellery?
Teflon sliding things to go under cupboards.
Get Northern joinery to make another side for the card display stand. 
Framing - If people are going to IKEA would they be willing to  pick up frames for other people?

If you are paying fees by direct deposit please email Tammy with a description. 

Australian Rangeland Society conference September 25th Nat and Sharron will open the gallery in the evening.

Next workshop is Cheryl's "Beginning Felting" Only a couple of places left.

We set Up "A Brush With Art" on September 2nd.


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