June and July 2021

 The come and try days have been very successful and Lynda's beading morning was no exception. 

Also Georgie's Pastel morning.

Two new exhibitions this month featuring Lisa Wood and her popular limestone sculptures as well as Fibrespace Textile Artists.

Annual General Meeting
This was postponed till 7th August while we determined the best way to cope with space restrictions and mask wearing. Thanks to everyone for their support.

Key Points from the meeting.

Election of officers:
Management Group:  Leonie, Anne, Kerry, Beth, Gayle Georgie  Tammy 

Treasurer -Tammy 

Minutes Secretary- Leonie , Anne
Public officer: Kerry 

Resource Manager / Purchasing Officer -Anne
Roster- Morgan Dunn. 

Publicity-George,  Catherine
Gallery Contact:-Gayle, Georgie, Tammy 

Cleaning- Everyone.
Blog Newsletter-Georgie 

Styling Team-any one available
Beyond Bank display- Gayle 

Special opening of gallery-Tammy, Georgie, Gayle
Bins Tuesday – Lynda, George, Wednesday craft group

Annual Fees $50 and $70 per family
Commission 20%

 1)Brush with ART - set up 28th -29th August starting after the next meeting. All members to bring work in to the gallery by 28th August. Theme "OUR PLACE UP CLOSE"

Website https://abrushwithart.com.au

2)TV Advert. 3rd September - need members as customers and artists  to feature in this .
11am -1pm
Please email Georgie if you can help in either of these and indicate a time.

*Jenny can’t do her printing come and try day in August but will do a printing activity in September. Lynda is willing to do another beading activity on August 21st

*Paypal device has been discontinued - New SQUARE device is in action  instructions at desk. Thanks to everyone who worked through alternative payments in the interim.

*Tag & Test on 3/2/21 - Monday. Please leave items
in Kitchen, Music Club gear in Music Room.
*Photocopying - please remember copyright laws. 
Cost of copying $1 for photo page 50c for text page. To be entered in photocopy book.
Procurement officer to purchase books & pens to record photocopying
*Roster: Morgan. 
Morgan requested people answer to say they have received emails and more people offer assistance for door duty. 
People can be placed with a partner and someone can train you if you don’t know what to do. 

Congratulations to Jenny Bourne re. screen printing.

Management Group Meeting - Georgie, Tammy, Leonie, Beth ,Kerry.
TV commercial  Approved
Discussion re activities and Art Prizes – possibilities to go to next meeting

In 2022 Come and Try hosts to get paid $100 per session to cover time and materials.
      Donation to Malka Art Prize.
Several exhibitions, open to public, with viewer and management group cash prizes eg.
    • Photography Exhibition
    • Recycled wearable art
It is 6 years since we learnt we would no longer be able to stay in the previous gallery, on reflection we have come a long way. 



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