June and July 2021
The come and try days have been very successful and Lynda's beading morning was no exception.
Also Georgie's Pastel morning.
Election of officers:
Management Group: Leonie, Anne, Kerry, Beth, Gayle Georgie Tammy
Treasurer -Tammy
Minutes Secretary- Leonie , Anne
Public officer: Kerry
Resource Manager / Purchasing Officer -Anne
Roster- Morgan Dunn.
Publicity-George, Catherine
Gallery Contact:-Gayle, Georgie, Tammy
Cleaning- Everyone.
Blog Newsletter-Georgie
Styling Team-any one available
Beyond Bank display- Gayle
Special opening of gallery-Tammy, Georgie, Gayle
Bins Tuesday – Lynda, George, Wednesday craft group
1)Brush with ART - set up 28th -29th August starting after the next meeting. All members to bring work in to the gallery by 28th August. Theme "OUR PLACE UP CLOSE"
Website https://abrushwithart.com.au
2)TV Advert. 3rd September - need members as customers and artists to feature in this .
11am -1pm
Please email Georgie if you can help in either of these and indicate a time.
*Jenny can’t do her printing come and try day in August but will do a printing activity in September. Lynda is willing to do another beading activity on August 21st
*Paypal device has been discontinued - New SQUARE device is in action instructions at desk. Thanks to everyone who worked through alternative payments in the interim.
in Kitchen, Music Club gear in Music Room.
*Photocopying - please remember copyright laws.
Cost of copying $1 for photo page 50c for text page. To be entered in photocopy book.
Procurement officer to purchase books & pens to record photocopying
*Roster: Morgan.
Morgan requested people answer to say they have received emails and more people offer assistance for door duty.
People can be placed with a partner and someone can train you if you don’t know what to do.
Congratulations to Jenny Bourne re. screen printing.

Management Group Meeting - Georgie, Tammy, Leonie, Beth ,Kerry.
TV commercial Approved
Discussion re activities and Art Prizes – possibilities to go to next meeting
- Photography Exhibition
- Recycled wearable art
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