
The "DOORS" exhibition is up and attracting some attention, people are surprised at the variety of images and delighted by the complimentary texts. A BIG thank you to Barry for helping with this one ... definitely prevented someone from getting stuck to the decals. Thanks also to The Curdnatta Photographers and The Port Augusta Writers for their collaboration .. it is a really interesting exhibit!.

The AGM was well attended and produced some good discussions on a number of topics.

We really appreciate people attending meetings so that they can gain an understanding of the views of the majority of the group. These are often based on personal needs, historical experiences, equitable outcomes and legal responsibilities.

With our workshops continuing to be successful people are looking for new and innovative ways to proceed. 

While we encourage all kinds of participation in the arts this needs to be tempered with what the group can offer in the way of  support: 
*manual (usually voluntary), 
*monetary (needs to be distributed evenly)
*inkind - rental, insurance, promotion etc..

Our workshops have included painting, drawing, pouring, knitting, weaving, digital imagery, needlework and felting. Now that they are well established it is a requirement that we aim to make the workshops cost neutral. From our experience we can work on 10 participants per workshop and base costing on this number. (additional participants  may attend if the presenter is happy with this).
Presenters fees differ but $60 per hour is a common rate.

For any excursions or activities outside of the gallery space people will need to consider doing this on a personal level or we can incorporate additional insurance fees into the equation ( this might be as high as $500 ie. $50 per person).
It is also suggested that we add the clause "subject to change" to workshop costs so that any unforeseen expenditure is covered. 

As The group is moving towards using Eventbrite as an organisational tool for collecting information about participants and payment for workshops all information will need to be included in the advertising materials ... costs, materials, other requirements.

The Curdnatta Art Group has signed off on the lease (after 2.5 years of preparation)
When it is co signed and returned a copy will be kept in the filing cabinet.

Key aspects include..
* A signed statement that both parties will give 6 months notice when terminating the lease.
* The group is responsible for repairing windows and lights.
* No activities on the platform unless a 2 week notification is given and appropriate form signed.
* We have our own adequate insurance cover to $2 million
* we report any graffiti, building damage, common use repair needs to DPTI.

ELECTRICAL TESTING: please have any electrical equipment, cords  etc. placed in the kitchen by the Saturday of our next meeting. 
The gallery and music club share this expense.

BRUSH WITH ART:  new work at the gallery by the end of August Please.


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