Information from The Annual General Meeting 2020

 Thank you to everyone who attended the AGM on Saturday 26th September. We had 22 in attendance and apologies from 15 people.

Welcome back to Ellenor following the birth of Danniella Paris.

Condolences to Gayle and Peter Naughton and family following the death of Gayle's Mum.

Condolences to Jon Hawkins-Clarke following the death of Cheryl.

Thanks to Cheryl Fischer for taking over the meeting for the election of office bearers.

Management Group:

Anne Homes
Beth Hooper
Gayle Naughton
Kerry Steer
Tammy Colman - Treasurer
Leonie Reynolds - Minutes secretary
Georgie Sharp

Other Roles:
Public Officer - Kerry Steer
Housekeeping - Anne Homes
Roster- Morgan Palmer-Dunn
Blog / newsletter - Georgie Sharp
Publicity - Julia Terreu
Styling Team - Anne, Georgie, Kerry, Julia, Lynn, Eleanor, Cheryl Russ, Gayle.
Beyond Bank display - Georgie, Gayle
Special Openings - Georgie, Tammy Gayle

Donation from Gulf and Ranges Optometrist
will be used to purchase some new plinths for the gallery with a plaque attached recognising the business.
Management Group to follow up.

Membership fees for 2020/21 will be $25 and $35 for a family. This will be reviewed at the next AGM in July 2021.
Membership is due now thanks...

Commission on sales of artworks will be 20% for 2020 to be reviewed at the next AGM.


WATERCOLOUR with Judy Garrard

Working From Field Sketches and Photos

Now calling for registrations.  $100 per person, Current Membership of Curdnatta is required.

9am – 3.30pm Sat 31 Oct and Sun 1 Nov.  

There are only 10 spaces so please register early to avoid disappointment.

PAY AT THE GALLERY cash or card  OR  by direct deposit.

If you pay online would you please let us know by email so we can keep track of registrations.


A bit of fun for artists. 
Inktober was created  in 2009 as one person's challenge to improve  inking skills and develop positive drawing habits, it is now a world wide online event.
The idea is to create one drawing a day and share it with others, this can be done online or as a shared collection of work to be displayed at the gallery.
You can find more information here if you want to follow the rules and have access to the prompt list.

If you don't want to follow the official rules but would like to participate as part of our Art Group activity.
* Create your own focus for the month. 
* Create something often.
* Share it in our Artists' Chat Group.
*Bring in your favourite pieces for display on a wall in the gallery. Small card size pieces would be good then you can use them for cards later :-}
Similar to our display at Sofie's Workshop.

INK is the key element - how and what you use it is up to you.... HAVE FUN!

We have been at the Platform Gallery 5 years this month... here are some memories.

Roster for October:


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