Welcome to 2021

 Welcome to 2021!

This year we are back to planning exhibitions and art/craft activities with a difference.

Firstly a couple of things that will need quick attention.

There will be a Midsummer Ball at Central Oval in February. This is a fundraiser for BCNA (Breast Cancer Network Australia) who support women and families affected by Breast Cancer.

At the ball there will be a silent auction. If you are interested in donating some art for the auction please leave it behind the desk at the gallery before next weekend. Thank you for your donation.

*February is usually the month that we celebrate our birthday. This year The Curdnatta Art Group turns 56. We will celebrate this with lunch after the meeting on February 27th. The group will pay for the lunch and people will be required to make a choice from the menu in coming days. This is also an opportunity for members to meet and get to know each other, especially new members, so we hope to see you then.

* URGENT REQUEST - Next Saturday Anne, Sharron and Georgie  are going to tackle the STOREROOM!!!!!  others welcome to join in ....

If you have paintings that have been at the gallery for some time we request that you check the storeroom this week and remove any items that need to go home. Paintings really need to be changed over regularly to maintain a fresh look in the gallery. If you would like to donate anything to the above auction let us know.

We are acutely aware that paintings can easily get damaged in an overcrowded store room and prefer people to do regular checks to see what needs to go home.

If you would like to salvage the xmas decorations / floral arrangements that have been languishing for some time now is the time to do it :-) 

* We are going to try something new this year. Holding workshops is problematic until people can travel more freely but people are keen to come together to learn new skills and /or build on past experiences as well as enjoying social interaction.

On the third Saturday in each month between 10am and 12noon we will host an Art / Craft Participation session for members and visitors to engage in. This is often a difficult Saturday to get volunteers so we can share the load.
It will be a bit of "pot luck" for attendees and based on the willingness of members to share their knowledge with others in a relaxed atmosphere without the formality of a workshop situation.

Best to keep activities simple and easy for people engage with.This is how it might look........
*Artist "A"
agrees to host a session and advises which month/s of the year is their preference.
*They may provide an example of what might be done for display and advertising purposes but there is an element of "POT LUCK" as to what people will do when they arrive each third Saturday.
*If Artist "A" requires any materials for people to use they can check the shelves in the kitchen to see if there is anything there that can be used. If necessary the gallery will reimburse the artist for materials required, within reason.
* We don't know how many people will attend but we can aim at about 10 - 15 people and monitor this for the time being.
*Hosts can work in pairs if they prefer.
* People might like to bring lunch and continue into the afternoon.
* Families with young artists are welcome.
* This is about fostering creativity so people don't all need to do the same thing.

Please contact Georgie and let her know of the months you are available and we will share the hosting around. March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October.

We can advise the public of dates once we have this information.

Please feel free to discuss further to clarify things. I guess we will make it up as we go.

Current Opening times -
Wednesday and Saturday 10am till 12 noon.
Thursday and Friday 10am - 2pm.
If anyone can do a Wednesday afternoon between noon and 2pm please let us know and we will extend the Wednesdays from 10-2.

Congratulations to Jean Hucks who recently turned 90.


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