March round-up.

 Our first come and try day got off to a good start with 7 people attending and a couple of others popping in for a while. Georgie shared a few techniques concentrating on upside down drawing, a technique which helps artists concentrate on the lines and angles they see to help give a true representation of the subject. Then people were encouraged to make the drawing their own by blocking out some areas with black ink and as a final bit of sparkle adding some gold leaf using a glue pen to produce some fine lines and filling in small areas. Everyone approached the task differently and took from it what they wished.

Anne Kenny will host the next activity day on April 17th.

A property valuer recently inspected the railway station building and as a result our rent has increased to $3000 per year. We have informed the Department of Infrastructure and Transport that we wish to lease the building for 5 more years.

It has recently been brought to our attention that COVID sign in sheets should not be left on display showing people’s phone numbers. Discussion at the meeting led us to believe it would be easier to have individual sign in dockets that can be posted in a box and collected at the end of the day and placed in a plastic sleeve in the bottom drawer of the desk.

International Printing Day May 1st:  stay tuned for more information. 

Beyond Bank continues to display our work. If you find something is missing from the gallery it may be at Beyond Bank.
Staff have also offered to host our official exhibition openings.Richard Churchill’s exhibition will open Sat 8th May.
Lisa Wood will have an opening on July 10th.

This month has seen some healthy sales which is great for what is usually a quiet time of the year. The tourist season should kick off soon with the Pichi Richi Afghan Express starting on Easter Saturday.

A reminder that our theme for Flinders Ranges "A Brush With Art" is "Our Place Up Close".
The Photographers' group is using the frames donated by the Port Augusta Quilters' Group to create a splash of colour. We probably need a few more so if you have a couple of old 8in x 10in frames you would like to donate just let us know.

Thanks to Morgan for her continued excellent work in filling the roster and thanks also to people who have offered to do door duty.

We have 5 new plinths to which we will add a plaque stating they were donated by Gulf and Ranges Optometrists.


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