May 2021

Looking back at our May activities we need to congratulate everyone on a job well done.

Richard and Isabel exhibitions have attracted a lot of interest and positive feedback. The opening morning was full of friends, family and supportive gallery members. Thanks to Beyond Bank for supporting the event.

Jenny’s printing day and Tammy’s come and try were a great success and it is encouraging to see people engaging in the arts.

Congratulations to Christie on her successful Exhibition at Yarta Purtli. Christie has added some new work to The Platform Gallery.

We will be using photos of artists and their work in social media promotions for A Brush With Art.

There are currently 2 great exhibitions at Yarta Purtli and we encourage people to pop in and support the artists and make use of this great space.

Carlton School exhibition will now be held in August as part of SALA week.

Lisa Wood Exhibition - Opening 12 noon July 10th to allow travellers to arrive in time. This should work in favour for Fibrespace members as well.

To assist with preparing/ heating Food for events we have decided to purchase a small convection oven for the kitchen. 

Lynda is hosting the next come and try day.

Flinders Ranges - A Brush with Art... hope everyone is creating .. “Our Place Close Up”

      S    E    P    T   E   M   B    E    R 

Setting up exhibitions: It is becoming more difficult to get people to help so we will consider paying someone to do some of the heavy lifting and hanging of works especially when we have large exhibition change overs like A Brush with Art.

The  management group has signed off on the new lease for the next 5 years.

$3000 per year rent increasing by 2% each year and we pay half of solicitors fees. 

We have increased our term deposit and are currently looking at ways to spend money to support the group and the greater community.

At the May meeting it was decided to purchase a convection oven for the kitchen as we currently have no means of heating food other than the old microwave. As we return to exhibition openings and events we will find this useful.

Members at the meeting also decided to follow up where we left off with the TV advertisement that was planned at the end of last year. This might be produced at a time when the gallery is showcasing our member’s work which would make September and A BRUSH WITH ART the perfect time.

We also plan to offer the Port Augusta city council an amount of money to be used for an all comers art prize to be held in Yarra Purtli... this would add weight to the fact that the community values the gallery and would offer an alternative and complimentary space to the Platform. Management group to work on a letter and possible prize structure similar to the information received from Whyalla Art Group about the Hummock Hill Art Prize.

Saturdays when the Pichi Richi train is in action is a vibrant time on the platform and a memorable experience for the travellers.

Just a reminder that it is a 9 am start on these days as musicians play on the platform and gallery is  open with people looking through.


 We suggest people don’t leave chairs in obvious sight in the back yard as People have been accessing the back yard and there was an attempted break in along with another spate of broken windows along the platform. We now have a new back door and the kitchen window has been fixed.

Everyone wishes Sandy and Jean all the best in overcoming their current health issues.

Hummock Hill Art prize October 2021 information please contact 

Terissa Shepherd  HHAP 2021 Coordinator  phone M: 0413 800 382.

The Regional Gallery Association’s 2021 Road Trip is going from Seppeltsfield to Port Lincoln and will stop in at the Platform Gallery on Wed 7th July at 3.30pm to meet some of  us. Tammy, Georgie and Claire and anyone else who is interested will show them around / present a short talk about our organisation. 

Have you visited our website yet? If you have your own promotional page we can link your profile to it. The QR code that you see on the desk at the gallery will take you straight to the web page if you use your phone camera or a QR reader, so great for visitors who want to know more about us. It is still a work in progress so let us know if you have any suggestions.

Next meeting 26th June

AGM. 31st July when membership for 2021-2022 is due.


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