Planning for Workshops in 2018

Before we discussed anything at the meeting we let everyone know about Melva's predicament.
 We all wish her a speedy recovery and heartily agreed to send some flowers to her at The RAH. These should arrive on Monday.

After a couple of hectic months it is time to regroup and begin planning workshops and exhibitions for 2018.

But first we would like to acknowledge the extra input of members during the last couple of months.

We estimate that about 1500 people have visited the gallery during this busy period and as usual most were impressed with the visual aspect of the gallery and the quality of the products we have. Many still comment on how cheap things are.

We have introduced 6 new members to door duty procedures and value the input by members who keep the gallery open for visitors. 

If anyone would like to use the gallery as a studio space and keep the door open more often we would be delighted.

Thanks also to the people who do all the behind the scenes chores such as floors, dusting, filling in the gaps after sales, tidying storage areas, emptying and putting out the bins, washing their own cups  etc. etc..

We are on the way to planning the calendar for workshops and exhibitions for 2018.

This is the line up so far


January February
FIbrespace “DABULOUS”
Ruth, Tammy, Georgie
back gallery or entrance
 Grindle’s Hut Artists  ?
 Tina Dunneman

Vicki’s  Dyed Art
Vicki’s  Dyed Art

May / June
Anne Homes

Student / Youth exhibitions

Photographers “DOORS”
Georgie / Morgan/ Zon/ Peter

Brush with Art ???

Patsy,  Jenny

Senior students art exhibition
David Clark

 Basic Crochet / Knitting
Tammy , Sharron ?
Quilting hexagons      

 Felted  vessel
Pam Stringer


 Life drawing
Jan Panna
Botanical drawings
 Jan Panna 
 Portrait drawing / painting
Patsy will look into this
Acrylic Pouring
Kerry Steer
 Needle felting

 Print making workshop
Simone Tippett – Jenny Bourne
Lino Prints
Nat, Jenny

There is still time to add more just contact Georgie.

In line with the discussions about these activities we have updated the information about Workshop Procedures in our .......


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