May Round-up

We had a really productive meeting on Saturday 26th May.

Patsy described the benefits from the watercolour workshop and the enjoyment and increased confidence experienced by participants.

We have decided to give Eventbrite a trial run with Kerry's workshop to see if it eliminates some of the work that people are undertaking when organising workshops.

You can check out the dummy run for the felting workshop here.. 

 This of course is now full so please don't purchase a ticket ;-)) 

We are all getting excited for the June Exhibitions so please try to come along to the opening at 10.30am on Saturday June 9th.

June 9th is also "Knitting in Public Day"  and Tammy will organise a project for people to participate in.

The felting workshop will also take place on this Saturday.

The photography group will attend in the morning and take some photos to record the events. Don't forget to send some into the Trans !!!!

Sales over May were good once again with about 90% of payments coming through the PayPal card reader.

At the meeting members decided we would purchase a tap and go version of the card reader which should eliminate the problems that occur when people forget their pin or enter it incorrectly.

We have 30 people catching the bus to THE IMPRESSIONISTS on Saturday June 30th. Thank yo very much for supporting this and thank you to the Curdnatta Art Group for providing the bus! Please be at the gallery around 6.45am for a prompt departure at 7am.

There is no meeting on June 30th and the gallery will be closed on this day. The next meeting will be the AGM on July 28th.

The mystery of the bike has been solved... it belongs to Mary at Mumma Lou's cafe, that explains its immaculate condition. 

Augusta Security found it outside and left it in the gallery.. we all presumed it was a prop of some kind until we found the business card in the basket ;-))

John and Georgie have been having some adventures with their drone! You can check out some of the images on Flickr... this makes a great slideshow on your smart TV ;-))


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