January 2019

A hot start to the year led to the decision to close the gallery due to the extreme forecast on Thursday. Although the gallery has adequate air-conditioning we took into consideration the fact that people had to leave their cars in the heat and the lack of people venturing out. Hope everyone got through the day ok!

We have begun opening on Wednesdays and look forward to seeing if this is useful. 

The first exhibition for the year is "Naturally Techni-savvy" and "Conversations with Lapland" by Fibrespace Textile Artists.  These artists explore a different theme each year using the opportunity to experiment with different ideas and techniques.

Artists are back in action on Fridays if anyone wants to join in.

Cathy brought in her hand woven slouchy beanie to show the textile artists. What a fantastic effort and no doubt there will be more. One of our newest members, Cathy learnt how to weave at Tammy's workshops.

The Wednesday evening drawing class with Jan Pana is every third Wednesday of the month. $15 if more than 5 people attend. Everyone is enjoying it and learning many new techniques as well as developing confidence.

Registrations are filling for the Sophie Dieu ink painting workshop. Sophie is getting pretty excited about joining us on February 24th.

We have applied for a grant from the city council to cover the cost of a flyer and overview of the year's program.

A huge thank you to everyone who has added their name to the roster. We really appreciate the time you donate to the gallery. We only have a few spots to fill so please let us know if you can help out in any of the places where there is a ?


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