AGM 2019

A Huge thank you to everyone who attended the Annual General Meeting August 31st 2019.
Congratulations to the elected  Management Group:  Kerry Steer, Anne Homes, Beth Hooper, Gayle Naughton, Tammy Colman, Leonie Reynolds and Georgie Sharp.
Treasurer: Tammy Colman
Minutes secretary: Leonie Reynolds, Ruth Klee back up
Public Officer: Kerry Steer
Publicity: Georgie Sharp and anyone who wants to learn.
Housekeeping: Anne Homes

Our new Roster manager is Morgan Palmer-Dunn who can be contacted at..  

Styling team: Morgan, Kerry, Georgie, Gayle, Prue, Sandy, Lisa, Trudy, and Cheryl would like to learn. 

It was resolved at the AGM that our family membership would be reworded and the limitation of 2 removed. This means a family unit would be accepted under the $70 fee at the discretion of the management group.

At the discussion about Youth Art at the platform it was suggested we explore a youth risk assessment before further discussions. Cathy holds a CS officer position with another organisation and is prepared to help us. 

People are encouraged to consider applying for funds to support gallery activities in 2020.

GREEN POWER FESTIVAL March and April in 2020 will be "Green Month" with a focus on renewables artworks and practices. Also participation in a Saturday "Festival" with market stall and demonstration in sculpture and spinning. 

Gulf and Ranges optometrist will hold a 20/20 vision campaign during 2020 and will donate $1000 to the gallery. We will provide advertising on our FaceBook page.
There was some discussion about next years Brush with Art theme being 20/20. 

How wonderful to see all the new pieces for A Brush With Art arrive.... and a big thank you to everyone for clearing the main gallery in readiness.

All membership fees should have been paid by the end of August. Arts pieces of non members will be removed from the gallery and placed in the storeroom for pick up.


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