September Reflections

September and the combination of  people travelling north, Pichi Richi Train trips and A Brush With Art has seen an influx of visitors to the gallery and healthy sales.

The next workshop is Cheryl's felting workshop followed by Luke Thurgate's Drawing workshop. 
We are really lucky to have someone of Luke's calibre visiting Port Augusta so jump in quickly for the remaining spots.

PASS senior students exhibition opening will be Wednesday October 30th at 6pm. Please come along to encourage the young artists in our community.

We are developing our EXHIBITION and WORKSHOP PROGRAM for 2020 so please advise if you have any needs or ideas for this. so far we have ..


·      February - Pam Morphett - picture framing demonstration.
·      Sandi Fisher - mosaic... 
·      Kaz Peterson Mixed Media
·      Basket weaving.

·      January / February “Fibrespace” and Zena Cox retrospective.
·      March / April a renewables theme... exhibition and stall items. All members 
·      May  / June  Quilters in June 
·      July /August
·      September / October A Brush With Art. 20/20. Theme  Arid Lands Sculpture Event???
 Oct/ Nov  PASS senior students.

   Looking towards Christmas 
This year we will bring our own lunch on the date to be decided.After much discussion we decided on "POT LUCK"! People to bring a signature dish plus the recipe, this way those with specific food requirements can see if there is anything they need to avoid.
Date to be decided - November 30th after the last meeting of the year or Sunday Dec 8th. 

  1. Start getting your creative juices flowing for the “GREEN POWER” festival  March April 2020Grab a coffee and come along to the chat with Cindi Drennan at the platform on Friday October 4th at 11am at The Platform.


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