November News

We began the month with the Port Augusta Secondary School Senior Students Exhibition. Hope everyone had the opportunity to view it there were some strong conceptual ideas. There is still an opportunity to see it Saturday 9th.

Thanks to Kerry, Morgan, Anne and Georgie for getting the Gallery ready for the Festive Season... simple and elegant rules. 


Thanks to members who brought in some new work to brighten the gallery for the gift giving season.

Luke Thurgate is holding a drawing workshop on November 16th We have 12 people attending. Thanks to Sharron Jones for organising this.

We often get people contacting us through facebook and in this particular instance Mel contacted us to see if we could offer some information about Melva. Her mother bought this painting in 1977, one of the poppy series.


Our second Beyond Bank display is up and we share these on FaceBook to promote the collaboration. Both posts have reached over 1,000 people.

 Illuminart and the Green Power Festival received 3/5 of the funding they sought for a light projection in April. Cindy Drennan is assessing how this might proceed. People can start collecting digital images or photographs of work they think might be suitable so we are ready to run with whatever happens. Georgie will collate these into a DropBox file for easy access so just email high resolution images, that you give permission for use in the project, to her or ask to have photos of work taken 


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