July Meeting 2020

At this time of the year we normally attend the Annual General Meeting but due to Covid-19 restrictions we have deferred this until September.

We had our quota of attendees on Saturday with a well attended meeting.


We welcomed new members Julia Terreu and Mali Allen-Place to the meeting and look forward to the energy our new members will bring to our activities.

We also have a new group of crafters meeting at the gallery on Wednesday Mornings.

To celebrate our return to the gallery we have featured in a radio interview with ABC North and West and also a Transcontinental Newspaper article. 

We have also been sharing our virtual tour  among friends and acquaintances.

Feedback from visitors about our current exhibitions has been positive and they love the diversity of our work. There have been quite a few sales across all genres.

Pam has 7 people attending her framing workshop on Sunday.

The next exhibition will feature the work of Carlton Students under the guidance of Mali Allen-Place and will take place during the first couple of weeks in September.

Members decided to proceed with an advertisement in Australia's Explorers Way

We send our best wishes to Melva who is recuperating from a recent fall.
Also hoping Audrey and Jenni are coping well as they support their families. 

In other news The Photographer's Current theme is "OF THE KITCHEN".

For members looking to join in art's activities we have the following groups happening where people can join in, learn and share their expertise.

*Wednesday evening painters 5.30 -7.30pm
*Friday Spinners/ weavers/ knitters/ beaders  etc. every 2nd and 4th Friday.
* Other Fridays anyone can join in just bring along your latest project.
*Writers Group 1st and 3rd Thursday afternoons.
* Wednesday morning craft group.
* Photographers every 2nd Saturday of each month at 1pm.


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