August Meeting 2020

 Just another extraordinary day at The Platform.

As travellers waiting for the Afghan Express streamed through the gallery someone alerted us to the fact that a bird was trapped in the light cage outside... What! Again! 

The bird had only been released yesterday.

Numerous calls to various people... no-one answering on a Saturday. 

Finally an after hours number for the DPTI   HELP DESK... ( this is now in the procedures folder) and the problem was sorted.  Hopefully it can't get in again!!!

There was a lively meeting that addressed current business.

*Pam's Framing workshop was a success.

* Melva Waterman has moved into Flinders House and thanks everyone for their good wishes and the lovely flowers.

*Carlton School exhibition set up on Monday / Tuesday and opening on Friday.

*We are looking at some stable tables that are easy to move for spinning and sewing machines. Also some table covers that are easy to wipe and will make the tables look more uniform. We have the tables on display more prominently during Covid restrictions.

We will also look into getting a carpet square for the working area that might protect the floor from scratching.

* We had a visit from Port Augusta Special School students who were looking for ideas for a mural as part of their SACE studies.

* As we have a Covid Safe Plan we are required to have trained marshals on duty.

The Person who is designated as the door duty person at any time will need to have completed the plan and provide a printed copy for display at the gallery. This is currently on the back of the notice board in gallery 2. 

 Each group will need a trained person in attendance.

You can REGISTER at                   to complete the training.

* We welcomed Christie Mitchell as a new member and Christie shared some of her new artworks with us. Before we could even get them on the wall a visitor bought one... nice work!!!!

* Gayle, Georgie and Anne will set up the new works at the gallery on Tuesday. Thanks to everyone who has brought something in, we can have a Spring make over.

* The AGM will be held on Saturday 26th September.

Can people please let Georgie know in advance which roles you are interested in taking.

- Management Group ... decision making, could include chairing meetings

- Treasurer

- Minutes Secretary

  • House Keeper - keeps an eye on things we need
  • Styling group - keep up the gallery image
  • Publicity - promotes events
  • Newsletter/blog/photos/facebook
  • Put the bins out every Tuesday
  • Bring the bins in Wed - Craft Group
  • Gallery Duty / Covid Marshall
  • Roster
  • Other

The Wednesday Morning Craft Group has settled in nicely, it is great to see the gallery space being used more regularly.

Photographers current theme is "SIGNS"

Meeting 2nd Sat at 1pm

Writers meet 1st and 3rd Thursdays

Artists meet Wed evenings, Fridays, 2nd and 4th Thursday

Spinners, weavers, knitters 2nd 4th Fridays 


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