October news

Key points from this month's meeting.

We offer our sincere condolences to Anne and Bruce Kenny following the death of Anne's Mother. Anne will spend some time in Adelaide with her family.

This month we had an extraordinary amount of sales for this time of the year which can be attributed to continued patronage by local SA visitors and the increasing number of visitors from New South Wales some of whom were visiting family and making the most of local attractions.There have also been people working in the region who have purchased local products.

We are currently exhibiting work by senior students from Port Augusta Secondary School. The theme behind some of the work is "Monsters" and students explored artwork associated with the Adelaide Biennial 2020 "Monster Theatres".

The watercolour workshop was a great success. Thanks to Jenny Bourne for organising this and thanks to Julia Terreu for promoting the event.

A few people took up the Inktober Challenge and some of these drawings/paintings are displayed in the back passage-way. People are encouraged to add to the display.

It is time to plan next year's activities so let us know if you would like to hold an exhibition or are keen to run a workshop.

We plan to take part in a Summer Advertising campaign with Southern Cross Austereo so there will be a call out for people to be active in the gallery when they film scenes for the clip. We would also like to add new work for impact.

Anne is looking into possibilities for a Christmas lunch or evening meal.

We will decorate the gallery for Christmas on Saturday 14th November so could the styling team meet at 10 to tizzy the place up. We will be open Tuesday, Wed, Thursday the week before Christmas then closed from 25th December till Thursday 21st January.


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