Vale Melva Waterman

 It was with great sadness that we heard of Melva's passing this week.

Melva was an inaugural member of the Curdnatta Art Group and a long standing member of the Port Augusta Quilters Group.

She was also a much love teacher from her days teaching at Willsden and Central Primary School.

Adept at Pottery, painting, all kinds of fabric dyeing, sewing and textile art Melva was generous with her time, knowledge and patience inspiring and supporting others to pursue their ARTS journey.

Melva was of the opinion that all members should contribute towards the Curdnatta Art Group  by participating in meetings and activities (she rarely missed a meeting) and taking responsibility for the mundane tasks that often underpin the successful artistic displays.

Members of the group are currently exploring ways in which we can continue her legacy by supporting emerging artists in the community and encouraging all of our members to take a more active part in the group by committing to door duty and regular behind the scenes jobs such as cleaning, weeding, organisation of store rooms, hanging of exhibitions etc.

The response to our FaceBook post is indicative of the love and respect people have for her.

Growing up in Port Augusta Group 

The first Come and Try Day had 6 attendees and people looked at creating repeating patterns that can be used to create blocks for printing or producing online printed products. There could be a follow up to this where we look at using this technique on tablets with art apps.


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