September Storm.

Gayle and I entered the gallery with some trepidation today following yesterday's storm.

Our first inspection was the store room but surprisingly all was ok. Then  we admired our new LED lighting before going into the front gallery.

Here we found that water had come into the building, probably from build up on the verandah as hail blocked the gutters. Paintings and other items especially around the desk were wet and there was mud on the floor, water in the ceiling tiles and light fittings.

Annette, Beth and Lynda joined us to clean up and it was decided to move things out of the gallery until things could be assessed and protect peoples work.

Rachel Hryciuk, Zarko Okulic and John Gerschwitz  from DIT (Department of Infrastructure and Transport)  have all been fantastic and organised cleaners, electricians and plumbers, floor experts etc.  to come and inspect the building. Photos of the damage have been sent through so they can see what they are dealing with.

The Cleaner came around lunch time after working at Woolworths so our problem seemed small in comparison. She commended us on our cleanup and suggested leaving the air conditioners on to help dry out the floor.

Kevin Freeman came to check the lights and one of our new LED lights has to be replaced as it is full of water. He found the fluros were just resting on the plastic light covers in a couple of fittings and is going to suggest that maybe the main gallery lights be replaced too.

The gallery will remain closed until all the inspections are completed in case ceiling tiles need to be replaced etc.

Photography group will be postponed and we will let the writers know how things are by next Thursday.

The planned business meet and greet will also be postponed and Gayle will ring around to advise this.


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