
 Our Sculpture looked great at The Arid Lands and survived the elements so well done to the team.

Curdnatta members Lisa Wood and Juanella McKenzie also had some interesting pieces on display - well done.

The final winners were:

Youth Award - Riley Humphrys, Mount Barker SA $1,000

People’s Choice Award – Kaden Groves, Booleroo SA $2,500

Grand Prize Award – Nicholas Uhlmann, Aldgate SA $20,000

The Glorious Glazing workshop with Judy Kittel was well received with some interesting results.

Due to interest from country people wanting to connect with our gallery we are currently reviewing our rules to remove the 100k limitation. People would still need to be members and participate in gallery activities and offer help regarding looking after the gallery and door duty etc. We don't encourage people to just use us as a sales outlet. After all, we are volunteers.

This led to further discussion regarding the range of support we get from members and how we share responsibility for keeping the gallery running.
 Current members please consider the ways in which you support the group. We have many members who contribute regularly to door duty, cleaning etc. and some who have work for sale but don't actually attend meetings or contribute to the group in any way.
We encourage people to help out on the roster. Even if its only a couple of times a year we would be grateful. Please contact Morgan msmogs@live.com.au 

If you regularly attend group activities please consider how you might actively participate in the maintenance of the gallery so that is continues to be a great place for everyone to meet.


We are planning some regular art activities at the gallery that will encourage people to participate in the arts and become familiar with the gallery in an attempt to bring new people to the group.

Some ideas include  
*sip and paint
* Wednesday evening art activity.
*Thursday / Friday Art Sesh... activity provided
*Saturday mini workshops

If anyone is interested or has any ideas about what might work please contact Gayle or Georgie.


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