
This year there has seen an unfortunate spate of broken windows, graffiti and other damage at the railway station.

Thank you to all members who have: 

* reported breakages, and the presence of youths frequenting the building in the evenings. Please contact police if this continues.

*come forward to assist with cleaning up broken glass and rearranging areas of the gallery and store rooms.

* alerted Port Augusta Secondary School about students loitering around the railway station.

On Thursday 8th June personnel from Department Infrastructure and Transport  and Ventia visited the Railway Station and Gallery to assess how things might be improved.

Discussion included replacing glass with perspex.... (other additional features can't be added due to the heritage listing of the building).

Floors and walls were also measured in readiness for repair and painting following the storm damage last year so there will be some disruptions to the gallery sometime in the near future. This will include repair of floor in front gallery, painting of walls in front gallery, music room and kitchen. Replacing carpet in store room.

On a Positive note it is great to see artists continuing to use the building and making the most of the wonderful space we have. 

Visitors continue to love what we offer and although, in this economic climate, sales are more around the $50 - $200  mark, they are consistent. 

We really need some new work so looking forward to what people can bring in.

Exhibition at Yarta Purtli

Georgie will hold an exhibition that celebrates her artistic journey with Curdnatta over the past 50 years. 

Everyone is invited to the opening at 5pm on Wednesday 2nd August.

AGM 2023
July 29th 



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